Useful links with further reading for landlords
With pet-friendly rentals becoming a more popular option for landlords, helpful online guidance is available. We’ve gathered a store of useful content here.
Making a home pet friendly
Protecting your investment and making it safe for pets are important considerations when leasing your property to a tenant with pets. You might find that a potential tenant is willing to share the cost of these improvements, so it doesn’t hurt to ask.
If your property is already fenced, check that the fencing is safe and secure. Pay particular attention to gates that might be easy for a pet to climb, open or slink under. For those properties that are not fenced, it’s worth taking the opportunity to make this improvement so that it better suits a wider range of potential tenants, including those with a pet.
Carpet can be a problematic choice when it comes to pets, so it’s best to install linoleum or tile flooring in your investment property. These surfaces give pet owners the best chance to keep floors clean and are unlikely to sustain damage from paws.
In bad weather, pets will seek a place to stay dry and safe. If your property doesn’t already include a carport or patio area, consider erecting shade sales in the backyard. While we’re in the garden, simple landscaping based around lawn, trees and shrubs is the best choice for pets.
Pet Agreement
To make sure there are no misunderstandings about the arrangement you have with a pet-loving tenant, consider collaborating with your potential tenant on a list of expectations. This can also avoid any difficult conversations at the end of the tenancy if there are repairs to be made.
You could write up your expectations into a formal agreement or use the following list as the basis for a simple signed document that covers the matters that are most important to you, which could include:
- Type of pet, breed, name and age
- Veterinary and registration details—e.g. desexed status, council registration number, etc
- Only pets included on the form are approved onto the landlord’s property
- Tenant(s) are liable for damage or injury caused by the pet(s) at the property
- Tenant(s) are responsible for immediately repairing property damage caused by pets inside and outside the house
- The property must be kept clean at all times, including the regular removal of pet hair and wastes
- Tenant(s) agree to conduct professional carpet cleaning upon vacating the property
- If pet smells persist after the tenant(s) vacate, professional cleaning and deodorising will be conducted at the tenant’s expense
- Tenant(s) will ensure Pets will undergo regular flea treatment. If there are fleas detected, flea fumigation, inside and outside the home, will be undertaken at the end of the tenancy at the tenant’s expense
- Tenant(s) agree to ensure the pet(s) will not become an annoyance to neighbours
- If the pet is a dog, the tenant(s) agree to secure the dog during inspections arranged by the landlord or their agent